Since I've announced this and given the URL, not a single person appears to have filled out this form. If there are any problems, please email me, or Jeff Goldberg,

How to subscribe to the JDM 2000 Elective CourseDiscussion list

This is for an email discussion list for my JDM elective course at the Cranfield School of Management. Note that although this is an SoM course, this discussion list in NOT based on Lotus Notes but uses a more Internet based system hosted by the Cranfield Computer Centre.

To subscribe to the list send mail to
with the body

  subscribe som-jdm-course

You can send a message with the body


To Majordomo as well.

Note: You must have a valid "From" address in the header of your message for this to work. The mailing list administration software will send a confirming message to that address.

Another Note: Your messages to the list management software (majordomo) must be plain text only. No HTML, no MSWORD documents, no "Lotus Notes Manuscript" files.

Joining via the web

You may also join the discussion list via this form on the WWW.
  1. Give your Real Name here (e.g. Amos Tversky ) here:

  2. Give your full Email address (e.g. here:

  3. Give your Cranfield Computer Center username (so-called "mn number"). This will be need for some web access to course material and discussion.

  4. List which "team" in the course you are in

     Not Applicable

  5. School of Management exam number

  6. Note: this is only the first step in joining the list. You will get a confirmation request from majordomo. by email. You will not be on the list until you have confirmed your subscription by following the instructions in that email.


The Purpose of the List

Details about the list purpose and policy is available currently just as a plain text file. Please read that to see if the list is for you.

Web access

The material for the course will all be under

If people want this to continue after June 30 (after I leave Cranfield) let me know, and I will see about getting this set-up elsewhere.

On your CCNT account you should create the folder Y:\public\jdm_public. Once I have put in a link to that, then anything you put in there will be available under the "members" area. Note that this will be world readable. If people feel that there is a need to have these password protected for reading, let me know and I will try to arrange that.

I will also try to have a password protected web archive of the discussion list. This may take a few days to get set up.