This is useful if you have a DVI viewer, but I also find it useful to send to people who send me MS-Word documents. You may wish to do the same.
This is the same as the DVI, but more broadly readable, and is an appropriate way to distribute documents.
If you are curious about what I actually typed in to get that document, this is it. (The revision control system typed some of it.)
This is an HTML file automatically generated from the LaTeX file.
This an a plain text file automatically generated from the HTML file.
Because it is a frequently changing document and I haven't managed to get the revision control info to pass to all of the formats that it is converted to, I am also making the rlog document history available. My comments in that were not originally intended for public consumption, so expect them to be cryptic.
Version: $Revision: 1.5 $
Last Modified: $Date: 2005/06/15 02:34:32 $ GMT
First established: May 6, 2001
Author: Jeffrey Goldberg